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Russia and India intend to develop cooperation on geology and environmental protection

Geology and subsoil use, biodiversity conservation, cooperation within the BRICS framework – these areas of bilateral cooperation were discussed by Ivan Kushch, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, and Ved Prakash Singh, Head of the Economics and Commerce Department, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of India in Russia.

During the working meeting, the Russian side proposed to jointly develop an interdepartmental Memorandum in the field of geology and subsoil use.

“We share the importance of Russian-Indian cooperation in the field of geology and subsoil use and hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation with the Russian side in the geology industry, including in relation to rare types of minerals,” said Ved Prakash Singh.

The participants discussed the beginning of work on restoring tiger and snow leopard populations. Ivan Kushch spoke about preparations for holding the Second International Forum on the Conservation of Birds of Prey “Falcon Day” within the framework of the IX EEF. He suggested that the Indian side consider the possibility of joining the Framework Declaration of Intent on the Conservation of the Gyrfalcon Population. Russia, Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia and the United Arab Emirates have already joined this work.

Russian BRICS initiatives, such as the Clean Technology Platform (BEST), the Clean Rivers program and the Geological Platform, were also touched upon.

In the near future, the parties agreed to exchange specific proposals on areas of future cooperation.

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