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Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation take an active part in the XI Ural Mining Forum and Exhibition “Rudnik. Ural-2023”

Representatives of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, including Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dmitry Kurochkin, President of the Non-Profit Partnership “Mining Industrialists of Russia” (member organization of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry), member of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Energy Strategy and Fuel and Energy Complex Development Valery Yazev, and First Deputy Executive Director of the Non-Profit Partnership “Mining Industrialists of Russia” Sergey Kononenko, took an active part in the work of the strategic session “Mineral and Resource Well-Being of Russia”.

The session was moderated by Valery Yazev, who made a forecast for the main areas of development of the mining industry and outlined the main contours of the industry development strategy in Russia. In his speech, Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dmitry Kurochkin spoke about the joint work of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Energy Strategy and Fuel and Energy Complex Development, and the Non-Profit Partnership “Mining Industrialists of Russia” to assist mining companies in implementing investment programs and introducing the best available technologies into production.

He noted that, based on the results of joint events at the RF CCI, proposals were prepared and sent to government bodies on a number of areas of the mining industry, including priority steps to achieve technological sovereignty and eliminate the deficit in the supply of industries with a number of strategic minerals. Dmitry Kurochkin emphasized that serious investments are needed to create the necessary import-substituting production in the industry, since we are talking about replacing up to 80% of machinery and equipment.

Yuri Saakyan, General Director of the Institute for Natural Monopoly Problems, told the participants about the state policy for the implementation of large investment projects in the field of subsoil use.

Viktor Yakovlev, Chairman of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Mining Sciences, made a presentation on the current state and prospects for the development of the mineral resource base of Russia.

Ruslan Dimukhamedov, Chairman of the Association of Producers and Consumers of Rare and Rare Earth Metals, General Director of Solikamsk Magnesium Plant, informed about the strategy for the development of rare earth metal production in Russia.

The proposals voiced at the session will be finalized within the framework of the November joint meeting of the Supreme Mining Council of Russia and the relevant Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on energy strategy and development of the fuel and energy complex at the site of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia.

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