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The price of the Chukotka Metegenkanya placer almost doubled during the auction

The object’s reserves for underground and open-pit mining are accounted for in the amount of 1.6 tons.

ZER LLC won the right to develop the Metegenkanya placer gold deposit in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug following the results of the auction on September 30, 2024. The starting price of the auction was 71.193 million rubles. The subsoil user offered 135.267 million rubles for the license.

In addition to ZER, the Polar Star prospectors’ artel also took part in the auction.

As of 2019, the State Balance for the Metegenkanya deposit accounted for reserves for underground mining in the amount of 400 kg of gold and for open-pit mining in the amount of 1,263 kg. The area of ​​the site is 1.77 sq. km. The license is valid for 20 years.

The Metegenkanya subsoil site is administratively located in the Iultinsky District of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The regional center, the village of Egvekinot, is located 230 km south of the subsoil site.

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