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Krasnosvetmet summed up the results of 2023: net profit increased by 9.5 times

Krastsvetmet published its annual report – summed up the financial results of 2023 and presented the results of its work in the field of sustainable development.

Net profit increased by 9.5 times compared to 2022 and exceeded 1.1 billion rubles. Revenue grew by 80% – to 130.1 billion rubles.

“Global uncertainty weighs on every large business. This has become the new normal, and we accept it. The company will continue to fight for long-term sustainability and good current results. After all, we like what we do,” says Mikhail Dyagilev, CEO of Krastsvetmet.

In November, the company was subject to British restrictive measures. Export duties also became a challenge – they were introduced in Russia in October last year on a wide range of goods, including precious metals. In these conditions, Krastsvetmet improved its financial results and developed steadily.

The company’s own refining production increased its trading volumes. Record revenue of 123.3 billion rubles, or 90% growth compared to 2022, was achieved due to increased sales volumes and gold prices. Investment projects with a budget of about 2 billion rubles have been launched, and new sites for processing secondary raw materials containing precious metals will be created by the end of 2025.

The company has scaled up its industrial solutions business. The portfolio of engineering orders has tripled and exceeded 1 billion rubles. Krasnosvetmet specialists have developed design documentation for the reconstruction of nitric acid, methanol, and urea production facilities for customer projects. A pilot plant for obtaining lithium carbonate using the sorption method has been commissioned.

Krasnosvetmet jewelers have released 168 new models of gold and silver in a year and launched a project to produce designer jewelry based on chains. The brand has stepped up its promotion on marketplaces – revenue from sales on them has doubled.

Behind all the achievements are people: in 2023, the headcount of Krasnotsvetmet employees increased by 4.2% and exceeded 3 thousand people. Turnover decreased by 3 percentage points. The company’s employees are now present in 40 regions of Russia. The average monthly salary was 125 thousand rubles. This is 76% higher than the Russian average.

The frequency rate of injuries with temporary loss of working capacity fell below one: from 1.8 in 2022 to 0.7 in 2023. This is a significant step towards the “zero injuries” that the company strives for.

In 2023, Krasnotsvetmet approved an environmental policy and adopted a target program for environmental management until 2030. Over the past year, the company has reduced the volume of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere by 15%, mainly due to the improvement of the quality of fuel used in pyrometallurgical processes and the organization of the second stage of purification of emissions from ammonia at the ammonia leaching stage. The company’s share in the total volume of emissions into the atmosphere of the city of Krasnoyarsk is 0.1%.

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