03/24-15:00 (UTC+3) lasts. 3 hours 00 minutes
Legends of geology
Readings dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Viktor Petrovich Orlov
Broadcast from the V.I. Vernadsky Geological Museum
03/25-11:00 (UTC+3) lasts. 1 hour and 30 minutes
Geo Webinar
Metalliferous content of granitoid magmatism depending on the type of geodynamic regime of subduction and related tectonic-magmatic processes (review and field studies)
Candidate of Geographical and Mathematical Sciences I.L. Makhotkin, IGEM RAS
03/25, 17:00 (UTC+3) lasts. 2 hours and 30 minutes
Modern problems of geophysics and ore geology
Application of azimuthal magnetotelluric monitoring at the Bishkek Geodynamic polygon (updating the possibilities)
Candidate of Medical Sciences Nepeina K.S., National Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bishkek
03/28-11:00 (UTC+3) lasts. 4 hours 00 minutes
Online broadcast of the conference
Solemn meeting dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of FSBI “TsNIGRI”
broadcast from the conference hall of FSBI “TsNIGRI”