Categories on the Infogor exchange


Mining News

Mining Chukotka increases mining

Chukotka increases mining

The Chukotka Autonomous Region summed up the results of mining...

Finance The Russian Ministry of Finance is ready to support companies for the extraction of rare earth metals

The Russian Ministry of Finance is ready to support companies for the extraction of rare earth metals

The Russian Ministry of Finance has announced its readiness to...

Geowebinar Геовебинар

Geo webinar program for the period from 24.02 to 03.03.2025

02/25-11:00 (UTC+3) lasts. 1 hour and 30 minutes Geo webinars...

Science A unique rhenium detection technique

A unique rhenium detection technique

The staff of the Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and...

Geowebinar Геовебинар

Geo webinar program for the period from 17.02 to 23.02.2025

02/21-11:00 (UTC+3) lasts. 1 hour and 30 minutes Industrial innovation...

Science Scientists have developed an innovative technology for extracting gold from pebble-silt tailings.

Scientists have developed an innovative technology for extracting gold from pebble-silt tailings.

Researchers at the Transbaikal State University (ZabGU) have developed an...

Finance The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law on the mineral extraction tax rate of 6% for concentrates with precious metals

The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law on the mineral extraction tax rate of 6% for concentrates with precious metals

The State Duma introduced a single mineral extraction tax rate...

Event The Moscow International Congress of Concentrators will be held on March 11-14

The Moscow International Congress of Concentrators will be held on March 11-14

International Congress on Mineral Processing: joining forces for effective cooperation....

Mining Rosgeo and the Center for Engineering and Innovation Support signed a cooperation agreement

Rosgeo and the Center for Engineering and Innovation Support signed a cooperation agreement

Sergey Radkov, Head of Rosgeo, and Pavel Dvornichenko, CEO of...

Geowebinar Геовебинар

Geo webinar program for the period from 10.02 to 16.02.2025

11.02 11:00 (UTC+3) lasts. 1 hour 00 min Geo Webinar...

Mining Scientists from Perm Polytechnic University and the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have determined the optimal location of the ventilation pipeline for better ventilation of the mines

Scientists from Perm Polytechnic University and the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have determined the optimal location of the ventilation pipeline for better ventilation of the mines

During mining operations, toxic and explosive gases are released into...

Geowebinar Геовебинар

Geo webinar program for the period from 03.02 to 09.02.2025

04.02 17:00 (UTC+3) lasts. 1 hour and 30 minutes Modern...