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October 4-5 in Moscow 19th Mining Forum and Exhibition MINEX Russia 2023

The 19th Mining Forum and Exhibition MINEX Russia 2023 will be held in Moscow, Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel, from 4 to 5 October 2023. This year, the forum is held under the theme “Transformation of the Mining Industry in the Context of Regional Development – a Marathon of Opportunities”.

The MINEX Russia Forum and Exhibition is a leading industry platform that opens up opportunities for business development in the geological, mining and metallurgical industries of Russia and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community.

The mining and metallurgical industry of Russia is facing unprecedented challenges. Market volatility and changing conditions require the industry to quickly adapt and transform production and business processes. The MINEX Russia Forum is an inter-industry platform that unites all chains of mining production, from prospecting and exploration to enrichment and processing of solid minerals, including copper, nickel, coal, iron ore, precious metals, strategic and scarce metals and minerals, uranium, etc.

In 2023, the MINEX Russia Forum offers an opportunity to build relationships at various levels – from individual companies to target regions. The main goal of the forum is to stimulate interaction to solve development problems of both individual enterprises and regions, as well as industries that provide the Russian economy with mineral raw materials and materials.

The forum and exhibition will feature projects in the field of prospecting, exploration, production and enrichment of solid minerals, investment projects, regional development programs, projects in the field of environmental protection and social development, innovative technical and technological developments, solutions in the field of digital transformation, industry startups, etc.

The program of the forum events includes:

Plenary and technical sessions, such as: “The Russian Mining Industry – Challenges and Opportunities”, “Transformation of the Coal Industry – Prospects and Opportunities”, “Hard Gold”, “Breakthrough Geological Exploration and Mining Projects in the Field of High-Tech Metals”, a meeting with industry leaders – “Conversations by the Fireplace”, “Territorial Development Programs from Leading Mining Companies” and other events organized in partnership with the NP “Mining Industrialists of Russia”, Gold and Technology, the Rare Earth Metals Association, the State Reserves Committee, Central Research Institute of Geology and Mining, VIMS, NUST MISiS, the Project Office “Strategies and Practices of Sustainable Development” development” and others.
Geological conference in partnership with the Institute of Geotechnology (IGT);
Conference “Juniors of the Mining Industry”;
4th Digital Conference Mining Goes Digital;
Conference Mining Machines, Equipment and Technologies;
Author’s project “New Times – New Heroes” from Marketing from Timchenko;
HR conference for mining and metallurgical companies in partnership with NUST MISIS;
Contact fair in speed dating format;
Business and technology tracks – presentations of products and services for the mining industry;
5th Competition of digital and technical startups MineDigital and MineTech;
Investors’ lounge – presentations of junior and mining projects in search of investments;
Rating of young managers in the mining and metallurgical industry Novaya Smena;
MineMovie film festival in partnership with the First Geological Channel;
Russian Mining Award and others.

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