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May 27-28 — N.N. Lisovsky Scientific and Practical Conference “Hard—to-recover reserves – present and future”

The State Commission on Mineral Reserves (GBU GKZ), with the support of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra) and the Eurasian Union of Experts on Subsoil Use (EUOEN), is holding a scientific and practical conference named after N.N. Lisovsky “Hard-to—recover reserves – present and Future” on May 27-28, 2025.

In accordance with the current challenges of the industry in the domestic and global arena, the discussion sessions will discuss: scientific and practical aspects of designing and developing hard-to-recover oil and gas reserves, the completeness of regulatory and methodological support, issues of organizing TRIZ landfills and economic aspects of government support for the development of TRIZ.

The main topics of the conference:

The state of the regulatory framework, the main directions of its development;
Technologies of geological exploration and development of hard-to-recover reserves;
Current state and prospects of development of TRIZ geological and hydrodynamic modeling software complexes;
Innovative technologies and methods for increasing oil and gas recovery;
Geological and hydrodynamic modeling and forecasting of development;
Current issues of geological, technological and economic justification of optimal approaches to the development of hydrocarbon deposits;
Modern technical solutions in the field of field management.

The conference will be attended by representatives of government authorities and subordinate institutions, research institutes, as well as subsurface users and design organizations interested in the development of the legislative system.

Venue: Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya emb., 12 (WTC, BP Ladoga, entrance 7, 4th floor).

Register using the link: https://forms

Draft conference program

Abstracts are accepted until May 16, 2025.
Kurmanova Anna Aleksandrovna, +7 (495) 780-30-54 (ext. 144),
Applications for participation are accepted until May 23, 2025.
Darina Batonogova +7 (495) 780-30-54 (ext. 244),

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