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Rosatom’s Mining Division has obtained a laboratory sample of iron-containing coagulant from the tailings of carbonate uranium ore processing

Specialists of the Central Research Laboratory of the Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Association (PJSC PIMCU named after E.P. Slavsky, an enterprise of the Mining Division of the Rosatom State Corporation) obtained a laboratory sample of coagulant (ferric sulfate) from a process sample of “tailings” of processing carbonate uranium ore from the Argunsky deposit. Previously, PIMCU technologists managed to isolate magnesium-containing products from the “processing tailings”, which are a product in demand on the market.

A coagulant is a reagent that “glues” small, insoluble colloidal particles into large flakes. Reagent purification is used to achieve the required degree of clarification of mine waters before settling and filtering.

The obtained chemical substance (coagulant) is planned to be used for environmental purposes in the scheme for cleaning mine waters generated during mining operations for the extraction of carbonate ores of the Argun deposit, as well as an oxidizer in the process of agitation leaching of uranium from silicate ores.

The project “Development of a technology for obtaining commercial magnesium-containing products (carbonate and magnesium oxide) and a coagulant from tailings of processing carbonate ore of the Argun deposit” is being implemented as part of the Unified Industry Thematic Plan for Research and Development Work (EITP R&D) of the State Corporation “Rosatom”. The object of the research is man-made waste from the future processing of carbonate uranium ores of the mine No. 6 of PPGHO under construction.

The technology for producing iron-containing coagulant includes, in particular, acid agitation opening of tailings, separation of solid and liquid phases, precipitation of iron sulfate from the leaching solution with an aqueous ammonia solution.

Patent studies have shown that the developed technology for producing coagulant and magnesium products from leached uranium raw materials has no analogues.

Currently, laboratory studies are being conducted on the technology for using the obtained coagulant in the mine water treatment scheme. Conducting tests in semi-industrial conditions using the developed technology and completion of work on the project are planned for 2025.


The mining division of the Rosatom State Corporation is one of the largest producers of natural uranium in the world, and is the leader in uranium mining in Russia. The flagship of the division is PJSC PIMCU named after E. P. Slavsky” is the largest multi-industry mining and processing enterprise in the Trans-Baikal Territory. The division’s enterprises carry out a full range of uranium mining operations: from geological exploration, pilot and design work to reclamation and decommissioning of production facilities. More than 60% of uranium is mined using the cost-effective and environmentally friendly method of borehole underground leaching. In addition to uranium mining, the Mining Division is actively developing non-uranium business areas. Projects are being implemented to mine gold, lithium, rare and rare earth metals (titanium, zirconium, scandium, niobium).

Based on materials from the ARMZ company

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