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Seligdar discovered the Ryabchik deposit

MOSCOW, RIA Novosti/Prime. As a result of geological exploration work at the Ryabchik-Zhelannoye subsoil site in the Aldan district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), PAO Seligdar discovered a new mineral deposit, Ryabchik, the company reports.

Seligdar specialists, having conducted a full-fledged geological exploration of the site, determined its boundaries, the forms of ore bodies and mineralogical composition, and also registered the reserves with the state. Thanks to this, the company, as the discoverer, gets the opportunity to develop the deposit.

The approved reserves of the Ryabchik deposit are 4.604 tons of gold and 7.996 tons of silver (C1 and C2). The volume of predicted resources for P1 is 493 kg of gold and 600 kg of silver.

The discovered deposit will increase the resource base of the existing Ryabinovy ​​production complex, which is located nearby.

According to Seligdar’s annual report for 2023, the total balance gold reserves of the holding’s companies increased by 8.5 tons and reached 280 tons. Over the period from 2013 to 2023, the resource base, with an average annual growth rate of reserves of 11%, increased by 188% – by 183 tons. At the current level of production, the provision of the operating assets of PJSC Seligdar with gold reserves is from five to six years. The resource base, taking into account the deposits being prepared for development, will ensure the Holding’s operation for more than 20 years. PJSC Seligdar is among the five largest companies in Russia in terms of gold reserves and among the five largest in the world in terms of tin reserves. The assets are located in six constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Yakutia, Buryatia, the Orenburg Region, the Khabarovsk and Altai Territories, and Chukotka. In 2023, gold production amounted to 8.27 tons, tin concentrate production – 3 thousand tons. By 2030, the holding plans to reach a volume of 20 tons of gold per year.

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