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Investments in the economy of Yakutia in 2023 amounted to 739 billion rubles

Among the largest investors are ALROSA, Gazprom, Rosneft, Nordgold and Polymetal.

June 20, 2024, NEDRADV. The volume of investments in the economy of the Republic of (Sakha) Yakutia by the end of 2023 amounted to 739 billion rubles, the head of the region Aisen Nikolaev reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The main investors were subsoil users that are implementing investment projects on the territory of the republic. Including: ALROSA, Gazprom, Rosneft, as well as Elgaugol, Nordgold, Polymetal.

Aisen Nikolaev singled out the Deep World project, which ALROSA is implementing in the Mirninsky District of Yakutia, the development of the Kyuchus cluster, within the framework of which it is planned to develop the Kyuchus gold deposit (PAO Seligdar) and the Tirekhtyakh and Deputatskoye tin deposits (RIC Plus Group).

“In the Arctic, we are starting a gold mining project, under which the world’s first two-unit low-power nuclear power plant will be built.
The cluster will, of course, pull along gold and tin, and a number of other
deposits can begin to be developed there. This, of course, is a new life for the Arctic, to improve the quality of life of people,” Nikolaev noted.

The head of the republic paid special attention to the implementation of the Elginsky coal project (Elgaugol), which involves increasing the capacity of the Elginsky deposit. Seven enrichment plants with a total capacity of 28 million tons have already been built within the framework of the project. In addition, the investor continues to build the Pacific Railway, which will connect the deposit and the port in Khabarovsk Krai. Aisen Nikolaev said that coal shipments to the port will begin in 2025.

“This is a unique project that is transforming southern
Yakutia and northern Khabarovsk Krai before our eyes. Several years ago there was nothing there, mining was barely going. Now almost 30 million tons of mining can already be easily
provided for… As a result, we are already the first country in the world in
coking coal,” Nikolaev emphasized.

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