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The Association of Miners of Russia invites you to an extended meeting of the Supreme Mining Council and the RF CCI Committee on Energy Strategy and Fuel and Energy Complex Development

In the context of increased competition in the global markets for mineral and energy resources, as well as sanctions, the Russian mining industry is facing a number of challenges. One of the key ones is the need to mobilize investment resources to launch high-tech import substitution projects in the industry. Another challenge is the need to form new centers of integrated development in Siberia, the Far East and the Arctic. It is in these regions that significant reserves of natural resources are concentrated, the development of which has been prioritized by the state.

Experts talk about the need to develop mechanisms to support the mining industry, and this is not only about investments, but also about ranking purchases by large holdings in favor of Russian manufacturers, responding to the expansion of “friendly” China, and resolving issues related to the shortage of qualified personnel. Moreover, today it is necessary to extend the chains of added value creation within the country (Russia must reduce its dependence on raw material exports and ensure the production of products with high added value).

These other issues will be discussed by experts at an extended joint meeting of the Supreme Mining Council – the Supervisory Board of the Association of Miners of Russia and the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on energy strategy and development of the fuel and energy complex. The event on the topic: “On increasing the efficiency of the mineral resource complex based on the implementation of measures for the technological independence of the Russian Federation” will be held on November 29-30 in Moscow, in the Congress Center of the CCI of the Russian Federation (Ilyinka, 6/1).

About the organizers

The Association of NP “Mining Industrialists of Russia” unites industrialists, entrepreneurs, scientists and mining specialists from all over Russia, promoting the consolidation and joint development of solutions for science and business, government and experts, to achieve technological sovereignty. The Supreme Mining Council, chaired by Yuri Shafranik, exercises the functions of the Supervisory Board of NP “Mining Industrialists of Russia”. The Supreme Mining Council supports the interests of the industry and its participants at the federal level, develops expert recommendations.

The Association has been operating since 1999. President: Valery Yazev. Executive Director: Anatoly Nikitin (since 2021). More than one hundred and twenty companies are members of the Association, including: Norilsk Nickel, Metalloinvest, Lebedinsky GOK, Uchalinsky GOK, Atomredmetzoloto, Apatit, PhosAgro, Vorkutaugol, Uralkali, Kuzbassrazrezugol, Siberian Anthracite, NPO RIVS, Kanex, Somex, Akonit, IPKON RAS, Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Natural Monopolies Problems, Research Institute of Mine Rescue, Soyuzneftegaz, Union of Gold Miners, Union of Prospectors, Association of Miners of Karelia. Authorities and partners: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East, Rosnedra, RSPP, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Academy of Mining Sciences, NUST MISIS, REC “Kuzbass”. Business partners and media: peer-reviewed scientific, technical and production journal “Mining Industry”, business magazine for subsoil users “Globus”, MINEX Russia, ITE Group – MiningWorld Russia, Sigma Expo Group – CTT Mining, “Rudnik. Ural” – “Perm Fair”, Women in Mining, InterComm Media, First Geological Channel.

The Association of Miners of Russia has been a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation since 2017.

125009, Russia, Moscow, Degtyarny per., 9, tel.: +7 495 411-53-36.

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