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Research: 39% of mining companies are ready to become co-investors in industrial software development projects

According to a survey conducted on the readiness of industry enterprises to develop industrial solutions, 54% of enterprises have plans to fully replace Western software solutions in the next 3-5 years. More than 100 representatives of IT and business departments of large mining enterprises in the country took part in the survey.

At the same time, 39% of respondents reported the potential readiness of their companies to become co-investors in a project to create industrial software, of which 16% are already working with an IT partner within a joint venture.

The optimal and achievable payback period for solutions depends heavily on the class of the solution and the volume of investment and is indicated by companies in the range from 3 to 5 years. Companies are also wondering about the possibility of bringing the created product to market. 23% of survey participants stated that the enterprise is ready to independently distribute its solution, 4% talk about the need to share this task with an IT partner, 36% – assume purely internal use of the solution within the contour of its structure.

When choosing an IT partner for creating an industrial solution, companies primarily name the presence of a local team with industry expertise, experience in developing and implementing similar solutions, round-the-clock technical support and readiness to develop and customize the future product. Another important requirement is the partner’s Russian jurisdiction and the absence of sanctions.

We see a trend in the industry to create their own industrial solutions. However, the possibility of their further distribution raises a number of questions for enterprises. They are primarily related to the need for a deep understanding of the market, the presence of marketing and commercial expertise for selling software, as well as the need to organize support for future customers.

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