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May 14-15 – Scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of rational subsurface use and expertise of reserves”

The State Commission on Mineral Reserves (GBU GKZ), with the support of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra) and the Eurasian Union of Experts on Subsoil Use (EUOEN), is holding a scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of Rational Subsoil Use and Expertise of Reserves” on May 14-15, 2025.

2023-2024 and early 2025. Significant innovations in legislation in the field of subsoil use were marked. These are amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsurface Resources”, including on the use of subsurface waste, man-made formations, auctions, testing of forecast resources, changes in requirements for calculating mineral water reserves, the entry into force of Rules for establishing and changing the boundaries of subsurface areas provided for use, as well as changes in all forms of reporting by the subsurface user, improvement of subsurface monitoring systems, as well as the digital transformation of state regulation of subsurface use. The Conference will provide an opportunity to discuss the first experience of applying this legislation.

The Conference will discuss Recommended Temporary Methodological recommendations for calculating the reserves of solid minerals from previously explored deposits in the territories of the DPR, LPR, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions, Methodological recommendations for calculating the size of the boundaries of the districts of mining and sanitary protection of deposits (areas of deposits) of mineral groundwater.

The Conference will be attended by representatives of government authorities and subordinate institutions, leading companies, research institutes, as well as subsurface users and service companies interested in the development of the legislative system.

Venue: DonExpocenter, Rostov-on-Don, M. Nagibina ave., 30

Register using the link: https://forms

Draft conference program

Abstracts are accepted until April 30, 2025.
Alexander Alexandrovich Chentsov, +7 (495) 780-30-54 (ext. 194),
Applications for participation are accepted until May 7, 2025.
Darina Batonogova +7 (495) 780-30-54 (ext. 244),

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